
Top Harry Potter Scratch Games

For those who don’t know, Scratch is a program designed to introduce kids to coding through a block-like interface. Users can make animated scenes and games with fun characters and backgrounds. The program runs on both Windows and macOS products. It’s a great way to introduce children to STEM concepts while allowing them to exercise their imagination!

For today, we have compiled some of the coolest Harry Potter Scratch games. With Virtual STEM Camp and practice, your child may be able to eventually make some of these advanced creations as well!

Harry Potter Duel (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/123453890/)

This mini game has 3 levels you must beat to win… _____ , Snape and Voldemort. Players must follow the arrow keys to fight back. You can play against your friend or the computer! Harry Potter Duel demonstrates what users with advanced Scratch and coding skills can create!

What Harry Potter Character Are You? (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/60675180/)

Ever wonder what Harry Potter character you are most like? Take this fun quiz to find out!

Harry Potter: Dress Up & Character Creator (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/34612140/)

This dress up game shows off the creators creativity and allows users to do the same! You can design your very own Harry Potter character from a variety of options. You can also give your character a pet!

Quidditch Practice (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/2476043/)

This fun Scratch games allows players to play the famous Harry Potter game Quidditch! You can chose to play as a Keeper, Chaser, Seeker or Beater. Play and win in all positions to become a Quidditch master! 

Harry Potter Video Game (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/135641786/

This video game takes the user through Harry Potter’s world. It’s very simple but allows the user to interact with the characters! It shows off how with Scratch, you can animate characters to create a story!

Harry Potter Scratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1324947/)

This game uses arrow keys to fly Harry Potter around. Players need to collect 17 snitches in order to win the game! But beware of flying bludgers… 


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