This guide walks you through how to connect to a Minecraft server or realm. The guide is broken down into sections, which you can quickly access using the links below. If you have not purchased Minecraft, you can do so here.
Above are examples of the Bedrock and Java versions of Minecraft, both in their respective main menus. The Marketplace is an identifying feature of Bedrock.
Step 1. If you are not logged in, your main sign-in screen will look similar to this:
When you go to add a server, you may also see this:
Sign in to your Microsoft Account by clicking Sign In. Preferably, this will be an adult account, so you do not have to update the privacy settings. Once you’re signed in, follow the instructions for connecting to a Bedrock Server above.
If you are using a restricted account, follow the instructions below. If your restricted account is a child account (a family member of a parent), you will have to log in on the parent account, then edit your child’s Xbox Online Settings.
Step 1: Log on to your family administer account (parent account) at
Step 2: Click on “View Your Family” under Family.
Step 3: Find the family member who wishes to connect to a Minecraft server, then click “More Options”, then “Xbox online settings” from the dropdown menu
Step 4: Finally, edit all of the settings to “Allow”, especially those marked with a pink arrow. Make sure this is while the child account is selected. If you can’t see the options to allow, make sure you are in the appropriate settings (Privacy and online safety) and have selected “Xbox One/ Windows 10 Online Safety” as shown below.
Once you have completed these steps, you can reload Minecraft and you should be able to connect!