Join us for our Halloween celebration!
A virtual party that is fun for the whole family!

Join us on Saturday, October 31st, for our free STEM camp hosted Halloween celebration. There will be plenty of fun activities like our Haunted House, Magical Maze, Marvelous Minigames, and more! The activities are geared towards children from grade 1 – grade 8, but everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. The more, the merrier, so don’t be shy; bring along younger or older siblings to join us! Just make sure you are wearing your costumes so that we can all get into the spirit of Halloween. You can also participate in our costume contest!
The celebration will be hosted on our Minecraft servers so that everyone can see and play with each other in Minecraft. Our server will have many different exhibits and activities that you can explore. This activity is open to anyone that has Minecraft Java OR Minecraft bedrock.
During the celebration, STEM counsellors will be on a Bluejeans call with the attendees and will be guiding you through a variety of fun activities and participating in some events. Watch out for our cool costumes during the costume contest!
There will be two sessions available on October 31st. The first session will run from 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm, and the second session will run from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
All Halloween celebrations are FREE. We want everyone to have a fun Halloween experience while staying safe at home this year. We are dedicated to our mission of inspiring Canadian youth and helping them become confident and creative adults. We hope that our Halloween celebration will give us a chance to inspire and interact with more youth.
If you would like to join us for our Spooky Saturday STEM camp session, you can click below to register!