
Field Trip Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Form

Please read and accept the agreement below

123 Huron Street, Embro, Ontario N0J 1J0
Ontario: 519-475-6600
BC: 236-317-4208
[email protected]

Field Trips:

STEM Camp operates in various locations across Ontario and BC and field trips may take place in any location each week depending on scheduling, availability and a host of other factors. Field trip information for each location is posted to the stemcamp.ca website as it becomes available.


On a field trip, campers must remain with the group and follow the rules of the site and the camp counsellors. Activities that are held off-site on a field trip are always fully supervised, however, all risk cannot be eliminated from any activity. By choosing to participate, each participant assumes the risk that he/she may incur an emotional or physical injury and/or disability. Parents may elect NOT to send their child to camp on a day when a field trip is taking place but there will be no refund for that day. There will also not be an opportunity to supervise children at the regular STEM Camp location if parents choose not to send their child on the field trip as each supervisor/camp counsellor is required to participate on the field trip. Lastly, some field trip activities may have height restrictions that prohibit children from participating in the field trip activity. In this case, an alternate activity will take place AT the field trip location.

Release of Liability and Indemnity

I understand and admit that my child's participation is voluntary. I hereby agree to comply with all rules and regulations. I assume full responsibility for any injuries or damages resulting from my child's participation in these activities. I recognize and understand that the activities may be challenging, that my child's participation is solely at their own risk, and that I assume full responsibility for any resulting injuries or damages.

l, the undersigned, in full recognition and appreciation of the dangers and risk inherent in field trip activities, do hereby waive, release, and forever discharge STEM Camp, its officers, agents, volunteers, and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action for costs, expenses and damages to personal property or personal injury, or death, from my child's participation in field trip activities , and further agree to indemnity and save harmless STEM Camp against all third-party claims, demands, actions or causes of action for costs, expenses and damages to personal property or personal injury, or death, from my child's participation in field trip activities.

Clear Signature