
STEM Camp at Six Nations

In 2023, STEM Camp was approached by Six Nations of the Grand River and asked to provide one week of summer camp for children in the Ohsweken community the week of August 14. Forty campers participated in twenty different projects during the week, ranging in age from 5-13. The camp was sponsored by the Six Nations Community Energy Department. The curriculum was developed by STEM Camp Education Director, Sherry Downing, using the theme of energy. Read on for examples of activities we did and to hear from some families and STEM Camp staffers who had the pleasure of spending time with this enthusiastic and wonderful community!

Wind Energy Activity

Campers learned about different kinds of energy, including renewable, and then created their own wind turbines. They learned how to code a micro:bit, its touch sensors, and how the micro:bit could count the number of rotations on their wind turbine. Check it out: 

Circuit Pets Activity

Campers learned about the power of a circuit as well as how to successfully create a circuit, while designing and creating their favourite pets. The renewable energy theme was carried out in this activity through the use of reusable and rechargeable batteries and reusable motors. Take a look:

STEM Camp Coordinators are our operational super heroes, as they work alongside our program coordinators and counsellors to make the camp experience smooth and seamless for our campers, parents and staff alike.

Elephant Toothpaste Activity

Campers learned about the result of chemical reactions when different substances are mixed together. Campers also learned about the catalytic and exothermic approach to science and our environment: every action has an equal, and potentially greater, reaction. See some of their learning (and fun!) in action:

Hear from Six Nations Parents:

What Our Staff Had to Say

Sometimes, it’s hard to tell whether our campers or our staff had more fun, and this week was no exception:

“I knew that this camp was something of a special gift the moment a camper who had been extremely shy, quiet, and kept to herself, persevered with an activity while everyone else played outside, THEN accepted my offer to help show other campers how to solve the problem that she was the only one to solve. Her face lit up when I called on her to explain how she overcame certain challenges with the coding portion. Additionally, she was then confident enough to circulate around the lab to help other campers when they didn’t know how to proceed.”
~ Sherry Downing, STEM Camp Education Director

“My favourite moments were when campers were picked up in the evening, and watching their faces light up as they explained to their parents what they had done with the activities at camp”.
~ Miranda Garner, STEM Camp Customer Service Manager