STEM fun doesn’t end with summer camp – and STEM Camp is delighted to support organizations in our community that are promoting STEM learning and research, especially those that are doing it in such a fun way!
As a result, when the McMaster Seismic Design Team reached out to us for sponsorship, we were all in! In addition to doing really interesting and fun projects, the team also featured a former STEM Camper! Check out their work:

About the McMaster Seismic Design Team and Project
The McMaster Seismic Design Team is a team of undergraduate students that travel to the Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition to compete against roughly 40 international schools. The team creates a 5-foot balsa wood structure, designing the structural, geotechnical and architecture components and then the construction process.
A technical proposal is the first step of the competition, then at competition a poster, presentation and structure are presented. The best day of the year is shake day, the day all the teams place their balsa wood structure onto a shake table that will simulate an earthquake. McMaster’s team is 1 of 4 Canadian Teams at the competition.