Indigenous Pilot Projects
STEM Camp is committed to working with Canada’s indigenous population to bring a STEM Camp to their community. We are actively seeking applications from indigenous communities to hold STEM Camp’s.
What is involved in a pilot project?
- It is a true partnership. STEM Camp provides its entire suite of activities for the upcoming summer to the indigenous community who then modify with their traditional values. For instance a STEM Camp unit on the stars may be supplemented by storytelling of how Orion’s Belt came to be from a traditional indigenous story.
- Members of the indigenous community attend the one day STEM Camp training held for Camp Directors for all of STEM Camp’s locations across Canada. In some cases, STEM Camp staff will work at the community to help with activities; most of the staff are members of the indigenous community.
- Band Councils or corporate sponsors fund the STEM Camp
How can my community learn more about hosting a STEM Camp in our area?
Call our office (519-475-6600) and ask to speak with a member of our team about this opportunity