
We Did It! Campers at STEM Camp are Kids World Record Holders

STEM Camp Campers Set Kids World Record

Campers at STEM Camp all over Canada, in our last week of summer camp 2024, attempted what has never been done before: setting a Kids World Record for the most kids making a DNA chain – and we did it!

How It Worked

That final week’s theme was Minions, and one of our activities was building Minion-powered DNA! Of course, we also learned about what DNA is, how it encodes each of our awesome traits, but then we got down to building our own DNA models…with candy!


986 campers participated, and the result was a Kids World Record for the most kids making a DNA chain!

Each camper who participated had the opportunity to receive a certificate stating they were part of the record. The record itself will also be included in the Kids World Records 2025 book, coming out closer to Christmas 2024!  

Check out some of the awesome shots from their work below, and be sure to join us for future summer camps – you never know what records-setting, candy-coated fun we might get up to!


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